Terms and conditions

Travelers who use the services offered by Procosmet Italy declare that they know and accept these general contract conditions.

Owner of Procosmet Italy and the related services

Procosmet s.r.l.
Via della solidarity 29/a
40056 Crespellano Bo Italia
Bologna Companies Register
C.f/p. VAT: IT02883540243
Share capital I.V.: € 50000


This document

This document constitutes a legal agreement between you, the user, and the company that manages Procosmet Italy and governs your use of the website and, in any case, the use of the services provided. "Legal agreement" means that the terms of this agreement, once accepted by the user, are binding for the latter.

Acceptance of the contract

In order to take advantage of Procosmet Italy, you have to read carefully and accept the contract. The use of Procosmet Italy implies the complete acceptance of the contract. If you do not want to accept this document you must refrain from the use of Procosmet Italy.

Information about Procosmet Italy

Procosmet Italy is an online store of cosmetic products for the skin and hair and women's lingerie.

Registration, content of procosmet Italy and forbidden use


In order to use the service or part of it, users must register, providing, in a truthful and complete way, all the data requested in the relative registration form and fully accept privacy policy and these general conditions. The user has the burden of guarding his access credentials.

Cancellation of account and closing of user accounts

Registered users can deactivate their accounts, request their cancellation or interrupt the use of the service at any time, through the Procosmet Italy interface or by contacting the owner directly to the contact information contained in this document.

  • The user violated the contract;
  • Access or use of the service could cause damage to the owner, other users or third parties;
  • the use of procosmet Italy by the user may be in a violation of the law or applicable regulations;
  • in the case of investigations conducted as a result of legal shares or for the involvement of the public authority;
  • The account is considered by the owner, to his exclusive discretion and for any reason, inappropriate or offensive or in violation of the contract or not in line with the standards of the owner.

Contents provided by third parties

The owner does not carry out any preventive moderation on the contents or links provided by third parties shown on Procosmet Italy. The owner is not responsible for these contents and their accessibility.

Services provided by third parties

Users can use services or content included in procosmet Italy provided by third parties, but must first have read the terms and conditions of these third parties and have accepted them. In no circumstance, the owner can be held responsible in relation to the correct functioning or availability, or both, of services provided by third parties.

Use not allowed

The service must be used according to the provisions of the terms.
Users cannot:

  • make reversa engineering, decompile, disassembly, modify or create derivatives based on procosmet Italy or on any portion of it;
  • Airing the IT systems used by Procosmet Italy or by its licensees to protect the content accessible through it;
  • Copy, preserve, modify, change, prepare derivative jobs or alter in any way any of the contents provided by Procosmet Italy;
  • Use any robot, spider, search application and/or finding sites, or any other device, automatic process or means to access, recover, scrap or index any portion of Procosmet Italy or its contents;
  • Renting, fire or subllying procosmet Italy;
  • defame, offend, harass, to implement underground practices, threaten or otherwise violate the rights (such as the right to privacy and advertising) of others;
  • Use Procosmet Italy in any other improper mode such as to violate these terms.

Purchase process and user rights

Payment services

The fees, duration and conditions of accounts and paid services are indicated in the relevant section of Procosmet Italy.

Purchase procedure

Each order sent constitutes a purchase offer. Orders are subject to the availability and discretionary acceptance of the owner.

Terms of payment

The accepted payment methods are exclusively those listed in the completion of the order. Procosmet Italy uses third parties for the processing of payments and does not in any way come into contact with payment data - such as those relating to the credit card - provided.

Availability of products

The prices, descriptions or availability of the products on display are subject to modification without notice. The photos inserted are indicative and do not constitute a guarantee of the qualities of the products.

Execution of the order

The order is carried out in the terms specified on the summary page and in the order confirmation email, with reserve of the availability of the ordered product.


Deliveries are carried out during normal working hours at the address indicated by the user and according to the methods specified in the order summary. The owner gives the products purchased on Procosmet Italy worldwide, except for the following territories: Bahrain, Bulgaria, Egypt, Hong Kong, Iran, Korea, Malaysia, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan and Ukraine.
 E.G.  etc.), the products are normally delivered within 7 working days of the conclusion of the contract. The times will vary according to the destination. The terms indicated at the time of the purchase order still have indicative value. Any delays in the times of evasion of orders will be promptly reported on Procosmet Italy or personally to the user using the email communicated to make the purchase.

Right of withdrawal

The consumer user who has purchased one or some of the services has the right to withdraw from the contract without indicating the reasons within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of conclusion of the same. For the purposes of exercising the right of withdrawal, the user is required to inform the owner, without any formalities, of the decision to withdraw through an explicit declaration sent to the contact information referred to in this document. The event possibly refundable will be returned by the owner without undue delay, and in any case within the 14 days following the communication of the user's withdrawal, using the same means of payment used by the user for the initial transaction, unless the user does not expressly have otherwise agreed.

Effects of withdrawal

If the user withdraws from this contract, all the payments he made in favor of the Data Controller, including the delivery costs (with the exception of the additional costs deriving from the possible choice of a type of delivery other than the less expensive delivery type of delivery will be refunded standard offered) without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the day the owner is informed of the user's decision to withdraw from this contract. These refunds will be made using the same means of payment used by the user for the initial transaction, unless the user has not expressly agreed otherwise; In any case, the user will not have to incur any cost as a consequence of this reimbursement. The reimbursement can be suspended until the reception of the goods or until the user is demonstrated by having sent back the assets, if previous.

Limitations to the right of withdrawal on products

Damaged or used products are not replaced or reimbursed in a different way than strictly necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and operation.

Applicability of the clauses on the withdrawal

The clauses concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal, as well as the relative consequences and exceptions, apply exclusively to the user who is qualifiable as a consumer, that is, to the user who acts for purposes unrelated to their entrepreneurial and professional activity.


The user who acquires as a consumer has the right of guarantee on the compliance of the products purchased within the limits of 24 months from the purchase, provided that the defects found within 2 months of their discovery is given.

  • if the repair and replacement is impossible or excessively onerous;
  • if the owner did not repair or replace the property within a reasonable term, however not less than 15 days;
  • If the replacement or repair previously carried out has caused considerable inconvenience to the user.

However, the user is required to return defective products.

Guarantee, compensation and limitation of liability


The user undertakes to keep the owner unscathed (as well as any companies controlled or affiliated by himself, his representatives, administrators, agents, licensees, partners and employees), from any obligation or responsibility, including any legal costs incurred to defend themselves in court, which should arise against damages caused to other users or third parties, in relation to the content uploaded online, the violation of the terms of the law or the terms

Liability limitations

Procosmet Italy and all the functionality accessible through Procosmet Italy are made available to users, to the terms and conditions referred to in the contract, without any guarantee, explicit or implicit, that it is not mandatory by law. In particular, no guarantee of suitability of the services offered for the particular purposes that the user aims is not provided. The use of procosmet Italy and the functionality accessible through Procosmet Italy is carried out by users at its own risk and under its own responsibility.

    • any losses that are not direct consequence of the violation of the contract by the owner;
    • etc.);
    • Damage or losses deriving from interruptions or malfunctions of Procosmet Italy due to force majeure events or, in any case, to unexpected and unpredictable events and, in any case, independent of the will and unrelated to the control sphere of the owner as, by way of example and not exhaustive, Faults or interruptions to telephone or electric lines, the Internet and/or in any case to other transmission tools, unavailability of websites, strikes, natural events, viruses and IT attacks, interruptions in the provision of products, services or applications of third parties and
    • incorrect or unsuitable use of Procosmet Italy by users or third parties.

In particular, users accept that the products purchased on Procosmet Italy must be used according to the indications, procedures and within the expiry dates provided pursuant to the law. The owner therefore does not respond to the damage deriving from the user from improper use of the products.


Interruption of the service

To guarantee users the best possible use of the service, the Data Controller reserves the right to stop the service for the needs of maintenance or updating of the system, informing users through constant updates on the procosmet Italy.

Service resale

Users are not authorized to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or take advantage of any portion of Procosmet Italy and its services without the prior written permit by the owner, guaranteed directly or through a specific resale program.

Privacy Policy

For information on the use of personal data, users must refer to Procosmet Italy privacy policy.

Intellectual property rights

All the brands of the application and all the other signs, commercial names, service brands, name brands, commercial names, illustrations, images, logos that appear concerning Procosmet Italy are and remain the exclusive property of the owner or in the availability of its licensees e They are protected from the laws in force on the brands and the related international treaties.

Age requirements

Users declare that they are of age according to the legislation applicable to them. Minors can use procosmet Italy only with the assistance of a parent or guardian. In no case minors of 13 can use Procosmet Italy.

Changes to these Terms

The owner reserves the right to make changes to the terms at any time, giving notice to the user through his publication within the Procosmet Italy.

Sale of the contract

The Data Controller reserves the right to transfer, transfer, dispose of all or subcontract all or some of the rights or obligations deriving from the terms, provided that the rights of the user foreseen here are not prejudiced.


All communications relating to Procosmet Italy must be sent using the contact information indicated in the contract.

Ineffectiveness and partial nullity

If any clause of the terms should be nothing valid or ineffective, the aforementioned clause will be eliminated while the remaining clauses will not be conditioned by this and will remain fully effective.

Prevalent version of these documents

These terms have been written and revised in Italian. Every version of the same in another language that is not Italian is to be considered a mere translation. In case of discrepancies or contradictions, the Italian text will certainly prevail over the other versions.

Applicable law and competent hole

Against users who do not have the qualification of consumers these terms and conditions have binding value only in Italian. Any other linguistic version is to be considered a mere translation.

Resolution of online disputes for consumers

The owner is available to answer each question forwarded via email to the email address published in this document.



The service offered by Procosmet Italy as described by these terms and within Procosmet Italy.


The natural or legal person who uses the service.

Terms and conditions (or terms)

These General Service Conditions, which constitute a legally binding agreement between the user and the owner.

Order processing receipt

Indicates the email that the owner sends at the time of receiving the order.

Order confirmation

It indicates the email that the owner sends to the moment the products are shipped to confirm the shipment of all or part of the products purchased.

Example of withdrawal form

Addressed to the owner [reporting the complete header]: with this I/us (*) we notify the withdrawal from my/our (*) sales contract of the following goods/services: (*), ordered the (*)/received il (*), name of the consumer (s), address of the consumer (s), date.