Walnut Mallo extract

Scientific name: Juglans Regia (Walnut) Shell Extract
Classification: Vegetable extract

Pyntante, coloring, protective.

Tales from nature

The walnut husk is the fleshy part of the fruit produced by the homonymous plant. The edible part of the walnut is wrapped in a woody layer called endocarpo (the shell). In turn, the shell is covered with an unedable pulp layer, the Mallo, from which the precious active ingredient is extracted widely used in the cosmetic field, both in hair treatments and in the tanning intensifiers.

In ancient times, the Persian peoples used to prepare mixes based on walnut hut to dye fabrics and rugs.


Thanks to the substances present in it, the walnut mallo extract has antibacterial, worm and astringent properties and is known for its coloring and pigmening action.

It is often used to darken light hair and to give the skin a tanned appearance. In solar intensifiers it protects naturally from the sun's rays and promotes the intensity and uniformity of the tan.

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