Melanin activators: how tanning products work

Melanin activators: how tanning products work

In this article of our #Beautyblog we will deepen the theme of theMelanin, discovering in more detail how the skin pigmentation process works and which ingredients make tanning intensifiers effective.

Let's find out how the skin is made

The skin is the largest body of our body: it communicates us in a direct and visual way its health (acne, dermatitis, dandruff, psoriasis, snow modification etc ..) and also protects us from external aggressions such as cold and hot (with sweat and thermoregulation) and the sun (through the production of melanin).

The skin can be divided into three layers, whose thickness vary according to the area of ​​the affected body (e.g. thinner eye area):

• epidermis
• Darma
• Hypoderma

The epidermis is made up of further layers where the main epidermal cells (keratinocytes) slowly empty their internal nuclei and become dead cells (corneocytes) and allocate the external layer of the skin until they are removed (by scrub, peeling or other rubbing agents).

UV rays penetrate differently in our skin: the UVB rays stop at the level of the epidermis where they are contrasted by melanin, while (the most harmful) grapes deep in the dermis causing oxidation reactions and degeneration of collagen, elastin and acid Hyaluronic (structural part of the fundamental dermis for the compactness and skin turgor) and act without defenses of the dermis.

The melanines are molecules responsible for the pigmentation of the man's skin and the pigmentation process of our skin starts precisely from the melanocytes who through small organels present inside them (melanosomes) transport and produce melanin in nearby keratinochetic cells.

The production of melanin by melanosomes starts through the UVB radiation that activates the tyrosine, present within these organs, transforming it through various chemical reactions into melanin.

A healthy melanocyte therefore provides keratinocytes with melanin useful for the protection of nuclear DNA from induced rays damage.

Melanin Plus of Napura

How the active ingredients act

Our first defense to the photo aging and prevention towards skin tumors depends on the correct health of the melanocyte. To support this natural process and favor the correct state of the epidermis can refer to some active ingredients and formulas that go to prepare the skin in the sun and support it at the time of the sun exposure.

 Melanin Plus is the perfect napura melanin activator to obtain this result, thanks to its rich multifunctional formula:

• tyrosine It is an important amino acid throughout the body. How does it act in cosmetics? It is added to the amino acids already present at the epidermal level and helps melanin to trace faster towards the most superficial layer of the epidermis. This cosmetic active is also useful in the process of maintenance and acceleration of tanning.

 • The walnut mallo extract: It contains several active ingredients, capable of forming a protective film that avoids the skin of losing the water necessary for its turgidity. It also has a characteristic brunastro color that gives the skin a slight help against the grayness.



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