Alternating Treatments for a Healthy Scalp.

Strategies and benefits of the Treatsystemethod 

Scalp care is critical to maintaining healthy and beautiful hair. Alternate Treatments Treat and following an effective routine with the right products will certainly make the resolution of blemishes faster and more effective. Here are some key points to know. 

Alternate Treatments and Follow a Routine 

It is essential not to accustom the scalp to the same active ingredients and products. Over time the human body, will become accustomed and begin to resist. By alternating Treatments, you can both keep the effectiveness of the products high and prolong the results longer over time. 

Each product that is part of a Treatsystemethod Treatment has a specific role and consistent use and in the order indicated can enhance its effectiveness and prevention. 

Seasonal Cleaning Cycles 

The scalp requires deep, restorative cleansing at different times of the year. Each season brings with it specific needs. Planning periodic cleansing cycles helps keep the scalp clean and balanced, preventing the appearance of blemishes or acting in preparation for subsequent treatments.

Napura recommends the Routine Purify  dure twice a year, in spring and fall, alternating with Prime  in summer, based on moisturizing Dead Sea Salts and Trace Elements and remineralizing, perfect for counteracting the stress that skin and hair undergo in the warmer months, losing hydration and mineral salts.  

If you want to learn more, find everything in the Beauty Blog on the Detox Routine Purify, you can read it here.

Repetition of Treatment Cycles 

We would all like gorgeous hair and healthy skin with a snap of our fingers. But it takes time, commitment, perseverance, and the results will come for you, too. 

Treatsystemethod Treatments are numerous precisely to be alternated and become an integral part of your daily beauty routine. Once you have identified the blemish and its specific Treatment, it is important to repeat the treatment cycle so that the blemish does not recur. And even when the blemish has subsided or resolved, it is suggested to continue with other different Treatments as maintenance for as long as you wish. But how to figure out which routine is right for you with Alternate Treatments? 

We thought we would support you with a real Guide on the Skin Routines cycles of comprehensive Treatments for every blemish, designed by Napura to allow you in a simple and clear way to continue the Treatments at home after the initial in-salon consultation.  

Some examples 

Did you know that the seasonal hair loss is one of the most common blemishes for most people? To learn more about it, read our Beauty Blog on the life cycle of the hair.

Seasonal hair loss affects men and women in different age groups, including young people. We recommend repeating a cycle of two Treatments, to be performed once/twice a week respectively, depending on the intensity of the phenomenon. 

First Step: 2|Energy Which strengthens the hair bulb; 

Second Step: 4|Prime which ensures the maintenance of skin balance. 

Another very frequent blemish is the dandruff, also for this discomfort we have a solution of two Treatments to alternate: 

Step One: 6|Active which helps the dermis regain balance by restoring its bacterial flora 

Second Step: 5|Active Plus which promotes the balance of the skin microbiota, normalizing skin discomforts, in cases of occasional dandruff; or 6 Active as a maintenance treatment, in cases of persistent dandruff.

All routines can be intensified with ZonesLocalized Intensive Treatments. Read the Beauty Blog dedicated.

All the skin routines are here.

Bottom line. 

First of all, you don't have to feel alone; by following our Guide (link) you will discover that skin blemishes are more numerous and much more common than you think.  With the right attention and care, you can prevent, mitigate and in many cases solve them, resulting in healthy, beautiful hair all year round. 

Start today with the Treatsystemethod of Napura.

Request consultation at your local salon here

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