Love for your skin: prepare for summer

Prevail and treat stretch marks  

The stretch marks are part of the history of our skin: signs of growth, changes and moments of transformation. Normalize them is essential, but taking care of them with targeted treatments can make us feel even more comfortable, Especially in summer, when the skin is exposed more and more and we want to feel best. 

Why do stretch marks appear?   

The stretch marks are formed when the skin extends rapidly, as during growth, pregnancy or changes in weight important. The dermis, the deep layer of the skin, struggles to keep up with this tension and are created thin streaks, initially reddish or purple, which over time tend to become white. 

Prevention: the key to elastic skin    

The good news? Taking care of the skin with hydration and specific treatments helps to prevent the formation of new stretch marks and improve the appearance of existing ones. The secret lies in the constancy and use of targeted products. 

Two fundamental allies for your skincare routine: 

Anti -ispelon synergy, A concentrate of natural active ingredients that helps to maintain elastic skin, preventing the formation of new stretch marks. 

Key ingredients:

  • Verbena essential oil From the stimulating effect, it improves the quantity and quality of the structural proteins of the skin, such as collagen and elastin. 

  • Borragine oil, It maintains an optimal level of skin hydration, reducing the stretch marks already visible and preventing the formation of new ones.

Anti -ispelon cream, Rich in nourishing and regenerating ingredients, perfect for thoroughly moisturizing and improving skin elasticity. 

Key ingredients: 

  • Horsetail extract It helps to firm and tone the skin, making it more resistant to the stresses that often originate the streaks. 

  • Combination of peptides, which protects the skin tissue from degrading factors, reconstitutes the dermal structure, deeply hydrates it and improves its elasticity. 

You discover here Because essential oils are so effective. 

Treat existing stretch marks: what does it really work?  

The most recent stretch marks, still red or purple, respond better to the treatments. Massage daily with the combo Synergy and anti -ispiece cream helps to stimulate collagen production and encourage skin regeneration. Even the white ones can improve over time, if treated with care and constancy. 

Extra tips for top skin in summer 

  • Drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrated and resistant. 

  • Make regular scrubs to encourage cell renewal and improve the absorption of treatments. We advise you to immerse yourself in the comfort of the Hammam ritual with Hammam Dream Scrub. Add the glove to the routine Kessa Hand: Effective exfoliation and regenerated skin, ensure!

  • Protected by the sun: sun exposure can make the More evident stretch marks. Always use adequate sun protection, discover the sun line Sunsystem.

The Stops do not define the beauty of your skin, but taking care of this can give you that extra dose of self -esteem that never hurts! Prepare your skin for summer with Anti -ispelon synergy And Anti -ispelon cream And you hear radiant at all times. 

Find out more and pamper your skin with the best treatments here.

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