Protect yourself from the sun and protect the reef!

The importance of filters Coral Friendly 

Do you love to sunbathe? As you already know, you should never forget sunscreen to protect your skin. But to the protection of the Sea and its inhabitants had you ever thought? 

Corals are one of the most precious and delicate marine ecosystems on Earth, playing a crucial role in marine biodiversity. However, they are under threat due to various factors, including climate change, pollution and harmful human practices. Among the many ocean conservation initiatives, the use of Coral Friendly filters emerges as a significant step toward protecting these unique and fragile habitats. 

Sunscreens and their filters are highly polluting and dangerous to the oceans, so we must strive to use sunscreens with the least environmental impact. 

Here's why Coral Friendly

Filters Coral Friendly are formulated with ingredients that are safe for corals and other marine organisms. These filters provide effective sun protection without compromising the health of marine ecosystems. The active ingredients used in these products are often minerals such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which are biodegradable and not harmful to corals. 

Awareness as a key to change 

The transition to the use of Coral Friendly filters requires increased awareness among consumers. People need to be informed and motivated to make more sustainable choices. Educational campaigns and awareness initiatives can play a key role in promoting behavior change. 

Coral conservation is a shared responsibility that requires collective action. Adopting Coral Friendly filters is a concrete step that every individual can take to help protect these precious ecosystems.

Our commitment 

Every day is a new step toward the sustainability; we at Procosmet always try to do our best, which is why we have formulated sunscreens with filters Coral Friendly: 

• Extreme Tan SPF 10 è a tanning cream with light protection, based on Tyrosine and Mix of UVA-UVB filters. Quickly absorbed, it is non-greasy and provides a long-lasting tan. 


• Dream Cream SPF 30, formulated with Melanin Precursors, Walnut Hull and Plant Oils and Vitamin E, moisturizes and makes your skin supple while protecting it from UV-a and UV-B rays. 

• Dream Cream SPF 50+ assures the highest protection, comfort and hydration to your skin, thanks to Vitamin E e plant extracts in the formula, defends against free radicals and the effects of the sun on the skin.  

What do these sunscreens have in common? They respect the environment because they are created with filters Coral Friendly, vegan formulas and dermatologically tested. A true pampering for your skin during the vacations! 

Learn more about our sustainable evolution.


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