Vegetable oil of the

Scientific name: Carthamus Tictorius Seed Oil
Classification: Vegetable oil

Emollient and moisturizing.


Tales from nature

The oil oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted from the carthamus tartorius seeds, also called Zafferanone for its similarity with La Spezia produced by the Crocus Sativus. Similar to ginger, its seeds contain between 30 and 55% of oil and have an acid composition that varies according to the varieties considered. It is a very ancient plant of Asian origin and then spread in Eastern Africa. In the past it was grown in Egypt, China, Ethiopia and in the Mediterranean basin.

Traces of Multmo were found in ancient Egyptian tombs dating back to 3500 BC. And there seems to be references in texts of traditional Chinese medicine of 1061. Misthetic oil has always been used to produce cosmetics or natural dyes. The tonache of the Buddhist monks are still dyed with the oil obtained from these flowers. In painting, on the other hand, the seed oil of paper is used to fluidify the colors and slow down the drying process.

In addition to its food uses, paper oil is used in the cosmetic field as an emollient agent in skin care products, such as moisturizing body creams and face creams. If applied locally, it can be used as a natural moisturizer for dry skin or as a cleansing oil.


The high content of linoleic acid contained inside makes it ideal to increase the quality and appearance of the skin. It is very rich in vitamin components of groups C, E and K that combined with the Omega-6s constitute an effective mechanism of defense from the attacks of free radicals, as well as carrying out a nutritional action on the whole skin.

For an immediate emollient effect and deep hydration, ally ideal for the hands that have lost softness.

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