Biological maple extract

Scientific name: Acer Saccharum SAP Extract
Classification: Vegetable extract

Stimulating and smoothing.

Tales from nature

The maple is a species belonging to the Aceraceae family, widespread in North America. The sugary lymph that is collected by special holes created on the cortex contains sucrose and is the source from which the maple syrup is obtained, which is rich in mineral salts and micronutrients.

It is the least caloric natural sweetener after the molasses and has a high content of mineral salts. The maple syrup is now produced by the eastern provinces of Canada and in some areas of the United States. Contains malic acid, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins and phenolic components.


From a cosmetic point of view, its content in alpha-hydroxiacids is interesting, which through their delicate exfoliating and surface lounge action, stimulate cell renewal on the skin and dermis, in the deepest layers of the epidermis. The skin appears smoother and more homogeneous.

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