Altea extract

Scientific name: 

Protective, softener, anti-aging.

Tales from nature

The Altea Comune or Althaea Officinalis belongs to the Malvaceae family. The botanical name of the altea, derives directly from the Greek Althain which means "cure". It grows in humid places, along the ditches and canals, generally in country areas. It is widespread in most of Europe, North Africa and Asia, up to Central Siberia and Pakistan. The roots have soothing properties, for this reason in the past they were given to chew to infants during the teething period.


The altea extract obtained from the roots is rich in mucilage and antioxidant substances, which form a protective layer on the skin, which is hydrated, protected and softened and protected.

In fact, it has been shown that this active ingredient is able to protect the skin from the damage caused by UVA rays, the main cause of cellular aging.

Also on the hair it brings numerous benefits, hydrated and softens, gives volume and shine, has a destigning effect and soothes the scalp irritated and with dandruff. It is an excellent treatment for dry and damaged hair and curly and frizzy hair. For this reason it is often present in specific sun products for hair, such as shampoo and masks.

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