
Scientific name: Caffeine
Classification: Active principle

Stimulator, antioxidant, and draining.


Tales from nature

Caffeine (1,3,7-trimetylxantine) is a natural alkaloid found in coffee, cocoa, tea, cola, guaranà and mate plants and in the drinks they derive. It is commonly present inside infusions from the seeds and coffee and tea leaves, as well as in many foods and drinks that contain products based on Cola walnuts. The great popularity of caffeine drinks contains this substance psychoactive, stimulating and exciting.

It is used for both recreational and medicinal purposes. In cosmetics it is contained in local anti -cellulite or slimming treatments, thanks to its properties for dissolution of the fat tissues.

It is rich in antioxidants that contrast free radicals and skin aging, promotes blood microcirculation and reduces water retention, factors that contribute to counteracting the orange peel skin.


The caffeine present in anti -cellulite treatments stimulates blood circulation and narrows fat cells, drains and soothes by producing a visibly immediate improvement and a more smooth and lasting appearance of the skin.

In treatments for the skin, it carries out a powerful energizing action, supports the activities of the hair roots, ensuring regular and constant growth. In addition, it makes the hair softer and brighter. It also fights the harmful effects of UV rays and aging photo.

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