Scientific name: Dunaliella Salina Extract
Classification: Vegetable extract
Antioxidant, energizing, revitalizing.
Tales from nature
Dunaliella Salina is a flagellated microscopic alga (equipped with flagelli, thin tentacles that are used for locomotion), of the dunaliellaceae family: Dunaliella is the best known genre. Dunaliella's name was assigned to her FOR FREE At the French botanist Michel Félix Dunal, who studied it and identified it first.
As can be understood from his name, he lives in a specific habitat, in waters whose salinity has very high concentrations of sodium chloride. It colors the waters of the red-orange salines on thanks to its enormous content of carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and other antioxidant molecules that produces to protect itself from UV radiation and extreme quantity of salt present in its natural habitat. Dunaliella is a algae that has highly antioxidant properties.
The Dunaliella Salina alga extract provides energy to skin cells, increasing the levels of ATP and giving a more vital and radiant appearance. A mix of essential vitamins (A, E, F, B5) and fatty acids such as Linoleic acid and Palmita Retinil stimulates skin renewal and compactness, improving the appearance of tired and opaque skin. The skin receives an intense revitalization that accelerates cell renewal and gives brightness.