Salicylic acid

Scientific name:Salicylic Acid

Classification: Active principle

Exfoliating, soothing and purifying.


Tales from nature

Salicylic acid is a molecule present in a natural way in many fruits or in some plants such as the Salice cortex, from which the name derives. For example, it can be found in apricots, oranges, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple and peaches, or vegetables such as chicory, spinach and radicchi. It is equipped with exfoliating and keratolithic, soothing, antiseptic and healing properties. For this reason it is often used in cosmetic formulas for scrubs, treatments and peeling facials and anti -acne or antiferfora skin.

When applied on the skin, it exercises a powerful keratolithic action, that is, it is able to selectively break the keratin protein chain, weakening the links between the cells. In this way it promotes the desquamation of the most superficial layers of the skin, stimulating cell renewal, without affecting the cells below the surface corneum layer.


Salicylic acid helps to quickly eliminate the problem of scalp's desquamations and to remove even the most obstinate dandruff. It strengthens the resistance characteristics of the epidermis, reduces itching and attenuates the irritations caused by both dandruff and oily hair. Purifies the skin making the hair lighter and brighter for a long time.


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