From bulb to hair: A fascinating journey through the stages of hair

Discovering the Incredible Structure of Hair 

The hair is a surprisingly complex structure that encapsulates the history of our health and our lifestyles. To fully understand the stages through which our hair passes in its growth cycle, it is essential to take an in-depth look at its anatomical structure. 

Each strand of hair consists mainly of a protein called keratin, which in turn is made up of chains of amino acids. This protein gives the hair its strength and elasticity, making it an incredibly strong structure. 

At the center of each hair is the medulla, formed by liquid keratin. Around the medulla we find the cortex, a dense layer of keratin that determines the strength and color of the hair. The outer part, called cuticle, is composed of overlapping cells like the shingles of a roof. The cuticle protects the hair and regulates moisture absorption. 

Each hair is anchored in the hair follicle, located in the scalp. Here, hair bulb cells are responsible for producing new hair during the anagen phase, which we will see in a moment. Blood circulating through the follicle provides essential nutrients that contribute to hair growth and health. 

This intricate balance of keratin, cortex and cuticle work in harmony to create the texture, shape and vitality of our hair. 

At the heart of the hair's complex structure, one crucial component plays a key role: melanin. This pigment, synthesized by cells in the hair follicle, not only gives hair its characteristic color, but also plays a key role in protecting against environmental damage. The presence and amount of melanin determine the wide range of shades, from deep dark hues to radiant light hues. 

Depending on how the hair is born in the hair bulb, there may be a different conformation of the keratin rope: you will therefore have straight, curly or wavy hair. 

Every single hair on our head is a testimony to our daily habits, our diet and our overall health. 

So as we explore the stages of the hair cycle, keep in mind that we are also exploring the wonderful structure of such a seemingly simple element. Our hair is much more than a decoration; it is an indicator of well-being and a narrative of our personal journey through time. 

1. Phase Anagen: The active growth 

The journey begins in the hair bulb, anchored in the scalp. Here the hair follicles are in a state of constant activity, with cells dividing rapidly and hair growing about 1-1.5 centimeters per month. The duration of this phase varies from person to person, but generally lasts between 2 and 7 years. 

Care Tip: Choose a diet rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals to promote healthy hair growth during this phase. 

2. Phase Catagen: The Short Transition 

After the anagen phase, there follows a short pause known as catagen, which lasts about 2-3 weeks. During this period, the hair follicle contracts and detaches from its blood supply, preparing for a new growth phase. It is a rapid but crucial transition in the hair cycle. 

Care Tip: Gently massage the scalp while washing to stimulate blood circulation and promote follicle health during this transitional phase. 

If you need to remineralize skin and hair, we recommend the new T|4 Mineral Post by Napura,  Treatment based on Chestnut Extract and Trace Elements. formulated to balance the scalp and promote restoration of hydrosaline balance. 


3. Phase Telogen: The Temporary Rest 

The telogen phase is the resting phase, in which the hair does not grow but remains anchored in the follicle. This phase lasts about 3 months and accounts for about 10-15% of all hair on the scalp. After this pause, the hair naturally falls out to make room for a new one. 

Care Tip: During the telogen phase, pay attention to your daily habits and try to reduce stress, as it can negatively affect the health of your hair. 

Severe stress can lead to skin discomfort that can bring you discomfort and discomfort, due to the imbalance of the skin microbiota. We have delved into the topic here.

Find out how to take care of your hair starting with the scalp, with the Line Active Plus by Napura.  

4. The Cycle Continued... 

After the telogen phase, the cycle begins again with the anagen phase, initiating a new growth cycle. This continuous renewal process is why we lose a normal amount of hair every day while at the same time growing new hair. 

It is normal and physiological to lose at least 80-100 hairs per day. 

Our hair has about 80-85% of the hair in the growth phase (Anagen), 5-10% in the stasis phase (Catagen), and the remainder in the fall phase (Telogen). 

Care Tip: Maintain a regular hair care routine with products that suit your hair type and lifestyle. Consistency is the key to maintaining healthy, shiny hair. 

Treatsystemethod by Napura offers Treats for every skin and hair need, explore all the Lines and find the Treats that are right for you! 

In conclusion, our hair is much more than what it superficially appears to be. It is the result of a complex cycle that reflects our overall health and personal care habits. Knowing the stages of the hair cycle helps us better understand how to care for it and maintain shiny, healthy hair. 

Start taking care of your hair, with Treatsystemethod.



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