Not everyone knows that the sun can damage not only the skin, but also the hair.
Here is a reminder of how the sun acts on the skin, if the intentional exposure is prolonged and not adequately protected.
How is the hair made?
The hair structure is quite simple. They are born and grow inside the follicle, a sort of small sack attached to the skin. The follicle continues in the deep part of the dermis, where we find the hair bulb, sprayed by small blood capillaries and covered with connective tissue.
In the upper part of the follicle we have the sebaceous gland, which affects the quality of our hair and under it the erector of the hair.
The hair is composed of keratin, a fibrous protein, and for 65/95% from water, lipids, trace elements and pigments, including melanin.
Hair has a very important thermoregulatory and protective function towards the scalp.
How radiation act sun products On skin and hair?
At the level of Epidermis UVB rays cause the development of free radicals until cell death. At the level of Derma the rays grapes They cause the development of free radicals and therefore early skin aging.
On the hair the UVA rays cause the PHair color worship, caused by reactions of Photo-oxidation inside the cuticle, both natural and colored hair.
UVB rays penetrate deeper causing the degradation of keratin and melanin.
There is also damage to the level of the hair follicle, due to the UV rays: i Piliferi bulbs play a fundamental role for the metabolism and the development of the hair. If exposed to prolonged exposure to radiation sun products, they pass from an active phase to a passive, losing strength and vitality. In this way, the hair is weed and can reach the fall.
It is known and now normally accepted that the period of greater hair loss is autumn. In reality, in autumn a phenomenon already started during the summer season, due to the exposure of hair to the sun, called Togen Effluvium Attinico (i.e. sunny).
Numerous other stress factors during the summer can be added to the damage of radiation sun products on the hair, like Increase in sweating, frequency of washing, chlorine, salt, wind, so some people begin to find the phenomenon of occasional fall already in summer, and then acute with the arrival of autumn.
In addition to the fall you can find numerous other damage to our hair: Discourse, dryness and fragility, an extinguished and ruined appearance.
If the damage go to the level of the hair keratin due to free radicals, they make the hair weaker against chemical (coloring, permanent, discoloration) and mechanical treatments (fold with brushes, plates, cones and hairdryer), reducing the resistance to breakage and thinning the capillary fiber.
Some tips to protect our hair from rays sun products
Let's see some tips
-Reduce the hours of exposure to the sun, avoiding the hottest hours.
- Do not use aggressive shampoo
- Use products with delicate Sles & SLS Free Tense Acatices
- Follow a complete sun routine to defend our hair (Body Shampoo + Recovery Mask + Defense Fluid of Napura, or uses the brand new Monoi Fluid MTJ SA)
- drink a lot of water and follow a complete and balanced diet
Remember that to have Beach Waves effect hair all year round is not necessary to exposure to UV rays.
Discover with Sara, our cosmetologist the new beach waves of the Sunsystem line of Napura.
And now that you have discovered that the hair can also be damaged by the sun, start your hair routine hair with i sun products Napura and Mtj.