Coenzyme Q10

Scientific name: Ubiquinone
Classification: Active principle

Antioxidant and protective.


Tales from nature

Coenzyme Q10 or Ubichinone is a lipid molecule necessary for the correct functioning of the mitochondria, an intracellular organeline that acts from the energy center: it serves to maintain good physical and mental efficiency, finding itself in all the cells of the body, hence the term Ubichinone.

Transforms food into energy, activates the metabolism, prevents fatigue, maintains the heart in health, protects the brain and improves the tone of mood. It acts as a powerful antioxidant by preventing cellular aging.
It is vitaminating.


Q10 represents an excellent protective factor against oxidations deriving from sun exposure. It is an antioxidant with a double effect: it contrasts the action of free radicals and increases the availability of energy in the cell, improving the repair processes of the structural proteins of the dermis. It helps protect the hair for a long time.

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