T1 Purify Pre
The intoxination, or accumulation of toxins, at the level of the scalp is the cause, over time, of the slowdown of hair growth, their weakening and finally of an excessive and premature fall of the same. The aggregation of toxins tends to significantly reduce the elasticity of the skin, limiting the normal functions of the scalp and hair roots. A correct blood microcirculation must be restored, so as to restore the right contribution of oxygen and nourishments to the follicles.
The rich synergy of essential oils and natural active substances contained in T1 Purify Pre - -Vial for detoxifying hair specific skin to eliminate impurities - penetrates the scalp, dissolving the links that combine toxins and contrasting their future aggregation.
Find out more on the TreatSysteMethod
Discover the history of the blue vial
Discover all the secrets of essential oils
Find out more about skin imperfections
Find out more about the imperfections of the lengths
Active ingredients
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And now relax
Napura will take care of your hair
For your inner and outer well-being, Napura helps you overcome the discomfort and embarrassment related to the most frequent skin and hair imperfections with its innovative Treatsystemethod program: dandruff, occasional hair loss, slow growth, thin hair, Oily Scalp and intoxicated.
And you'll be smiling and feeling good again.