T3 Cleans Post
Sub -southern hyperhydrosis and excessive production of sebum are the main cause of skin imperfections which, as a direct consequence, lead to a rapid hair weighing in the hair. It is therefore necessary to regulate the secretions of the scalp, facilitating its natural functions for the well -being of the skin and hair.
The specific mixture of natural active substances contained in t3 cleans post in vial - specific seborolator detergent treatment to regulate the secretions of the skin - treats the scalp, maintains healthy the balance of the secretions and consequently prolongs over time the condition of perfect cleaning of the skin and hair.
Find out more on the TreatSysteMethod
Discover the history of the blue vial
Discover all the secrets of essential oils
Find out more about skin imperfections
Find out more about the imperfections of the lengths
Active ingredients
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Careful and responsible behavior can make a difference.
And now relax
Napura will take care of your hair
For your inner and outer well-being, Napura helps you overcome the discomfort and embarrassment related to the most frequent skin and hair imperfections with its innovative Treatsystemethod program: dandruff, occasional hair loss, slow growth, thin hair, Oily Scalp and intoxicated.
And you'll be smiling and feeling good again.